* Please contact us if you have any questions about Spelling Star, Math Mountains: Add & Subtract, or Math Mountains: Multiply & Divide. We will be posting support items on this page as they come in.
App troubleshooting advice from Apple - http://support.apple.com/kb/ts1702 - try these steps first when having issues with any App Store purchase. Spelling Star | Math Mountains: Add & Subtract | Math Mountains: Multiply & Divide Spelling StarKnown issues (updated July 26, 2018) - we are investigating the following issues... 1. We are aware of an issue that is causing some users to not be able to automatically import a shared list code via email or web link. The code needs to be manually entered and then it will work. 2. We are aware of an issue where Spelling Star crashes for some users using the newest iPhones and iPads. This does not seem to impact older devices. Allow Microphone Access: iOS will ask if you want to let Spelling Star access your microphone. Select "OK" as Spelling Star needs the microphone to record your voice when adding words. If you choose "Don't Allow" then you won't be able to record words. If you did choose "Don't Allow" you can change it by going to your device's Settings icon, then select Privacy, then Microphone. You will see a list of apps that have asked for microphone access. Find Spelling Star and slide it to green. If you don't see a list of apps for microphone access or can't make any changes, then you have to do one additional step...Go back to Settings, then General, then Restrictions, then Microphone. Select "Allow Changes" and then turn the access on (to green) for Spelling Star. Not hearing any audio? Typically when anyone has had a sound issue it has been after an iOS update or have their device muted. The iOS updates can sometimes change your device's sound to mute without you doing so yourself. Go to your device's Settings icon, then General, then Use Side Switch to: Lock Rotation or Mute (on older iOS devices that have the side switch). It seems to default back to mute for many people after an iOS update. Often, users have their devices set to mute and don't realize it. Version 1.1.5 - Released February 20, 2015 Fixed audio issues on newer devices Fixed title display on Create a List screen Version 1.1.4 - Released May 4, 2014 Reverted to native iOS keyboard to support multiple languages Fixed text field bug Fixed native iOS keyboard issues with capitalization Version 1.1.3 - Released April 9, 2014 Fixed issue with capital letters Improved performance for iOS 7 Version 1.1.2 - Released August 18, 2013 Improved performance Added ability to listen to words from Manage Lists section Various bug fixes (fixed "white screen freeze") Version 1.1.1 - Released January 23, 2013 Share Lists - create lists on one device and share them with anyone else that has the Spelling Star app. Perfect for teachers to share lists with students or for parents to share lists across devices. Copy Lists - click a button to make a copy of any list on your device. Perfect for parents with multiple kids or teachers that want to individualize lists based on student needs - add challenge words or modify lists for accommodations. Changes to Help - revised help text and added share links via Facebook, Twitter, and email Improved prompts - added new text prompts to help users with the practice choices Version 1.0.2 - Released September 27, 2012 Fixed Auto-Capitalization of letters issue on iOS6. Added version number to Help page. Fixed app name display. Version 1.0.1 - Released September 21, 2012 Initial release Math Mountains: Add & SubtractVersion 1.0 - Released November 22, 2016 Initial release Math Mountains: Multiply & DivideVersion 1.0 - Released November 22, 2016 Initial release |